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Over $
,000 in charitable donations given

Charitable Giving

Tracy has a longstanding history of giving back to the places where she lives and works, with a focus on local charities that directly benefit Marin County residents. Tracy gives a percentage of every closing to Marin’s Center for Domestic Peace, which has provided safe housing for women and children in Marin County for the past 41 years.


Center for Domestic Peace logo

Center for Domestic Peace mobilizes individuals and communities to transform our world so domestic violence no longer exists, creating greater safety, justice and equality.

CFDP provides transformational services and programs that protect and enhance victim safety, and ultimately engage our community in permanent change.


Aspen Youth Center logo

The Tracy McLaughlin Team gives a percentage of every closing to Aspen Youth Center.

Aspen Youth Center is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive place where youth connect, learn, and grow during their out-of-school hours.



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